Wicket Eiren and some other favorites: Art Walk 2021: Last Chance!

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I found Wicked Eiren through a post Karma, the Art Director of Art Walk, made. I was intrigued right away. Wicked is obviously a talented and experienced artist, who combines different skills in her pieces. Make sure to click her photo at the exhibit, to read in better detail about everything she has learned and continues to develop skills in. From photography and painting, to digital art, 3D, etc. She starts with a character concept and says her inspiration often comes from needing to feel free from real life restrictions. Oceans are a recurring theme.

She has a new inspiration and influence for her art these days in her grandson. This is what she says about him in her information notecard:

My first life Photography took a different path from when I graduated Uni back in the 80’s, it is now influenced by some travels and a new little person in my life, My grandson , who was born with a challenging genetic disorder called Myotonic muscular Dystrophy. As I do not know how his life will play out I have been busy creating a world for him that has him in it as the main character who has adventures with nature and animals in magical worlds. I have taken his photos and created photo manipulations and edits. I am doing this as much and as soon as possible before the possibility of him losing his eyesight happens“.

Many of us in Second Life have similar experiences in using virtual worlds as a way to experience things we might not be able to in the real world. Or we know people for whom Second Life works that way. This is very common within tinies. One of the benefits of having big events like Art Walk, where Second Life communities come together, is in sharing experiences and finding people we relate to.

Artist information:

(Support The Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation or find local support groups).

My other posts on Art Walk 2021:

Buttercup Bunneh at Raglan Tree Gallery and Siri Vezina at Art Walk 2021
30thMay2021: Maggi sings live at Art Walk
Sneak peeks into Art Walk 2021
22ndMay2021: Art Walk Story Time with Derry and Bear!
Pieni Original Mesh Art Walk 2021 Sculpture
Art Walk 2021 Set up and thanks
Apply now for Art Walk 2021!



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