Rainbow Tinies: introduction
Rainbow Tinies group in Second Life was active from year 2012 to 2020. It was started by Pieni, who hosted most of the events. Our Friday events became a popular safe space for LGBTQAI+ people and allies. In addition to tinies, we had regular members from many different Second Life communities, representing all types of avatars. We took part in Second Pride among the Non-Profits and had a few of our events there over the years. After moving around for a few years, we found a home in the Mieville sim cluster, fitting in well with their accepting and eclectic community.
Big thanks to everyone, who supported us over the years! Thank you to our supportive sim owners and companions. And special thanks to the dj’s over the years: Shadow, Alex, Eagle, Shady, Fullauto, and most of all our longest serving talent, DJ Story! If I forget anyone, please know that we appreciate you all, and mean no disrespect. An extra mention to Tootsie, who came to most of our events, ever since the first one, and helped with hosting, notifying, Second Pride relations, etc, as was needed.
I took a ton of pictures at our events, and will update the albums here for your enjoyment. I apologize for the confusion, as my blogs have had some changes and moves over the years. Let me know, if you are looking for any specific pictures, and I can dig them up for you faster. (IM Pieni inworld).
This page is dedicated to the memory of our beloved friend and long time active member Morton Wheels. He was known as a great friend, who was a keen supporter of music and art in Second Life. When a new tiny came to town, he was among the first to welcome them. If a singer needed musicians on stage, or someone was setting up art, he was the first one to show up to help. We will meet him on the Rainbow Bridge one day, until then we hope to make him proud by taking good care of each other, always remembering to pawtee.