Sneak peeks into Art Walk 2021

So much excellent art at Art Walk 2021! Here is a little nook with a lot of talented people close by. You should look all over the sims, but I want to show some sneak peeks into the things you are about to enjoy over the coming weeks.

Information on the artists featured:

Bear Silvershade: Beautiful black and white SL and RL photography
Bear Silvershade Raglan Shire Warf Gallery
Bear Silvershade Flickr

Bear and Derry each have a very nice, recognizable style.

Derry McMahon: Lovely SL color photography
Derry McMahon Raglan Shire Wharf Gallery
Derry McMahon Flickr

Sisi Biedermann: Multitalent. SL and RL Photography. Also acrylics in her own gallery.
Sisi Biedermann, Gallery and garden

Sisse Singh: Talented Real life painter, mainly watercolor
Sisse Singhs Art Gallery – Flower Gallery
Sisse Singh’s Mixed Media Gallery
Sisse Singh Real Life Website
Sisse Singh’s Art Group in SL

Uleria Caramel: Mixed media, painting, photography and digital editing.
Uleria Caramel Artworks Gallery

My earlier Art Walk 2021 posts:

4th: Derry McMahon and Bear Silvershade Reading event at Art Walk 22nd May 2021
3rd: Art by Pieni; 2021 Art Walk Sculpture (new), (My old 2d art)
2nd: Set up
1st: Applying

Art Walk Info:

Raglan Shire Event Calendar
Artisans Society of Raglan Shire (the artist and vendor group)
Friends of Raglan Shire:
SL Group
FB Group

Karma Avro posted about Vic Titanium’s Jellyfish towers.
The famous SL blogger Inara Pey blogged Art Walk 2021!


Pieni is the owner of this blog, and a store called Cake Fox. She has also owned galleries in SL. Pieni The Cake Fox has a huge daily cake intake, which she supports with her operation of cake ste.. I mean acquiring involving a network of ninjas.


2 Responses

  1. You take such great photos of the Art Walk – now I have to go SOON to see all the art that I haven’t seen yet!

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