Fashion Dinkies: Trillian blog post with pic, details and links.
Dress: Miss Ing’s: Dinkie Snowflake Blue and Gold, Set (Thanks!)
Earrings: Dinkie Boutique Market (updated weekly!): Dinkies Chloe Hoops, gold (Thanks!)
Body: Tiny Inc.: Bengal Dinkie Cat v1.9 rev4
Earrings: Earthstones: Trillian Studs, Blue Topaz, Gold, Lucky Christmas Tree G1, No group
Necklace: Earthstones: Trillian Solitaire, Blue Topaz, Gold, Lucky Christmas Tree, No group
Mask: Kraftwork: Celebrations Collection, Party Kit Silver,
(mask gives wearable ones in gold and silver)
Hair: Tram: L1208, C88, list
Pose: Meander Me: Just saying 2, box11, dollarbie gifts under tree
Location: Midwinter2 (Found Here)
Windlight: Region