Fashion Dinkies: Guardian of the Emblem (FF) blog post with pic, details and links.
This pic is part of the Fantasy Faire Blogger Challence: Emblem Challenge blog post with pic, details and links.
This pic is part of the Fantasy Faire Blogger Challence: Emblem Challenge
Remember Fantasy Faire: Dinkie Gallery is Here.
Outfit: Suzu: Lunar Witch, Dinkies, One, at FF
Eyes: Suzu: Dream for Dinkie Cats, Blue, at FF
Held: Suzu: Witch Staff, Pink, at FF
Body: Tiny Inc.: Lilac-point Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Earrings: Vortech: Dark Crystal, at FF
Glasses: Dialogue: Lola, The Sales Room, list
Watch: Real Evil Industries: Cherie, Hello Tuesday
Hair: Sintiklia: Brandon
Pose: Serendipity: Della, 5m, 25L$Tue
Location: Fairelands Junction ~ Sponsored by Secrets of Gaia
Blogger Challenges, The Emblem Challenge
(The quest stuff is not yet out, so I used the emblem meant for stores)
Windlight: Region
Minerva had cute pics of the same outfit.
Mila Irata is taking some pawsome FF pics.