Fashion Dinkies: Carmen and Alicia

Outfit: Kaosome: Dinkie August Ethnic Chic Ensemble, Pink (Thanks!)
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Bag: My Bags: My Laredo, fucsia, Ebento WE
Headband: Seishin: Roses, So Kawaii Sundays
Choker: Seishin: Choke Choker, Hot Weekend Sale
Pose: Le Fleur: Reevie 3, So Kawaii Sundays
Location: Waffleville, lots to see at the dinkie/tiny area of Home and Garden Expo!
Home and Garden Expo 2022 info post I made.

Outfit: Kaosome: Restored Antique Dinkie Butterfly Collection, Ice
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Headband: Chocolate Atelier: Carmen, Wanderlust Weekend
Crown: Chocolate Atelier: Alicia, So Kawaii Sundays
Earrings, Necklace: Lagyo: Daisy Set, Pink, Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Facepiece: LaGyo: Love, Gold, So Kawaii Sundays
Pose: Le Fleur: Reevie 4, So Kawaii Sundays
Location: Waffleville, lots to see at the dinkie/tiny area of Home and Garden Expo!
Home and Garden Expo 2022 info post I made.