Fashion Dinkies: Spring Looks

Outfit: MayCreations: WBG Dinkie flower bikini & shorts & tattoo, Waffleville (Thanks!)
Hair and shoes from: MayCreations WBG Dinkies Halloween outfit, Waffleville
Home and Garden Expo 2022 info post I made.
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Bag: Petite Mort: Black Vintage tapestry purse
Bag: C´est la vie: Dede, The Warehouse Sale, list
Pet: Candy Crunchers: Turtle friend, Blanc, list
Pose: Luane’s World: Just another day, Fly Buy Friday
Windlight: region

Outfit: Kaosome: Extra- Environmental Dinkie – GP (Thanks!)
Body: Tiny Inc.: Siamese Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Hair: DP Yumyum: L17(04, FLF
Bag: DDL: Grace, Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Head Accessory: Lode: Cyclamen, pink, C88
Pose: Luane’s World: Just another day 1m, Fly Buy Friday
Location: Sunflower Park (Found Here)
Windlight: region

Outfit: Luna Twilight: LuLu Spring Dress Outfit (Thanks!)
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Hair: Truth: Friday, FLF
Earrings: Romazin: Valensiya, Energy WE
Necklace: Guwopp: Butterfly, Hot Weekend Sale
Pose: Luane’s World: Just another day 5, Fly Buy Friday
Location: Tempura Island (Found Here)
Windlight: region