Minie Birthday with DJ Mia! Monday and Tuesday 10am-12NoonSLT
This is a long post with lot of pictures, so let it load, or pop over to my Flickr for a look.
My event pictures are in this album.
Booth pictures and pics sent in by others are in this album (Thank you all!).
Scroll down to see both in this post.
Minie Birthday with DJ Mia! Monday and Tuesday 10am-12NoonSLT

Minie had some real life interruptions, but was in for a bit on Monday. She made it to the whole Tuesday pawtee, also! On Monday and Tuesday Mia played 10am-12NoonSLT and Jan did relaxing tunes after 12Noon on Tuesday for those who were coming in late. Mia did all the decorating, as well, and Jan helped around as gallery manager. Thanks all for patience and for coming! Huge thanks to Mia and Jan!
We have a photo booth near the door. You can take pics for yourself and for Minie as a gift. Send Pieni pics (and links to online pics) inworld. I will add them to this post later! My pictures are all in, but you can still take your booth pictures tomorrow Wednesday. After that the booth will be gone. Come back to this post to see if any new ones were added.