Fashion Dinkies: Sila blog post with pic, details and links.
Shoes: SC: Sneakers Vans Black and White
Top: SC: Black and White open Jacket
Top: Dinkie Boutique: DB Dinkies Clubwear BOM Top, black (Thanks!)
Makeup: Dinkie Boutique: DBD Dinkies HD BOM Makeup, Gothic A (Thanks!)
Body: Tiny Inc.: White Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Bag: Arpels: Panda, 25L$Tue (Thanks!)
Earrings: Orsini: Sila, Fameshed, list, Group Gift Free atm (at demo area)
Nose-Chain-Ear: Moon Coven: Lilith, We Love RP, list, Group Gift Free atm
Halo Plate with aura: Attitude is an Artform: Divine, Aetherium Nexus Hunt
Hair: Doe: Saturna, Flux, (Doe keeps them out usually)
Headband: Kotte: Bear, Group Gift 99L$ join atm
Pose: (the bag)
Location: Hotel del Santo (Found Here) Flickr
Windlight: Region