Fashion Dinkies: Mage blog post with pic, details and links.

Outfit: Bee Dinkie Designs: Pilgrim Mage (Thanks!)
(This designer is going to be at Ogham Grove / Fantasy Faire starting on 18th)
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Crown: Azoury: Monarch, gold, Happy Weekend 60-90L$WE
Bag: Lales: Mia, Happy Weekend 60-90L$WE
Necklace: Piece of Me: Audrey, Happy Weekend 60-90L$WE
Septum: Zoom: Crystal Beads, Happy Weekend 60-90L$WE
Earrings: Secrets: Melissa, gold,
Hair: Doe: Namay, older sale item, still there

Pose: Zeevh: 326, 6, Trinity WE
Location: Portocorvo, Harvest Moon adult (Found Here)
Windlight: Region

