NEW: Dinkie Boutique Mix&Match Black&Leo

Really cool new collection from Dinkie Boutique! Check it out at Petite Village!
Categories:Fashion: Dinkies - Tinies - Titchies
Tags:Dinkie Boutiquedinkie fashiondinkiesdinkies fashiondinkyLyciaLycia QuintessaPetite VillageSecond LifeSecond Life blogSecond Life bloggersSecond Life blogsSecond Life dinkiesSecond Life fashionSecond Life fashion blogsSecond Life tiniesSLSL bloggerSL bloggersSL blogsSL dinkiesSL fashionSL fashion bloggersSL fashion blogsSL tiniesSLfashion
Pieni is the owner of this blog, and a store called Cake Fox. She has also owned galleries in SL. Pieni The Cake Fox has a huge daily cake intake, which she supports with her operation of cake ste.. I mean acquiring involving a network of ninjas.