Fashion Dinkies: La Diva
Outfit, make up: Dinkie Boutique: DB Dinkies La Diva Costume RSM (Thanks!)
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Headdress: LuluB: Mabon, FLF
Hair: Rama Salon: Nell, Balayage, 99.Sale
Earrings: Piece Of Me: Irene, Access, list, Free Group Gift until July 8
Nom: Tredente: ‘Dente Donuts, hold, dispense, My Story (Open by clicking the hud to get all), 99.Sale
Pose: Russkaya: K-Odio Animation 02, 99.Sale
Location: Bartertown (Found Here) Flickr
Windlight: Region