Fashion Dinkies: Chanty

Outfit: Aweesha’s: Unicorn set w/ankle strap shoes, yellow
(Comes with Turquois and Light Blue) (Thanks!)
Eyes: Honey Dragon: NekoNeko [23CBE2] Yellow
Body: Tiny Inc.: Dinkies black bunny v1.9 Bento
Drinks: LuluB: Magic Box, Dispenser, Blue, N21, list (Thanks!)
Septum ring: Space Cadet: Bob Stache, Pride Edition, Anthem, list cheapie
Bag: My Bags: My Toronto, yellow, Ebento, list
Bag: Nekotron: Froggy v1, Tokyo WE
(Edit linked, make size larger than minimum on x,y&z, then take off edit linked, and scale down.
Choker: PKC: Daisy, Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Mouthie: Momochuu: Fresh Mini Tomato, Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Hair: Monso: Chanty, Fameshed, list (posted before here)
Pose: Static Posture: Pack #08, , District69 (and bag)
Location: Bella’s Lullaby June 2023 (Found Here)
Windlight: Region