Fashion Dinkies: Joelle blog post with pic, details and links.
Outfit: Aweesha’s: Summer Shells Shorts Set (Thanks!)
Shoes: Dinkie Boutique Shoes: DB Dinkies Suzie Shoes, beige suede (Thanks!)
Eyes: Suzu: Dream Eyes for Dinkie Cats, Orange (Thanks!)
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Held: Tentacio: Bag and rose, FLF
Drink: Hive: Boba on the go, FLF
Headband: C’est La Vie: Joelle, FLF
Watch: Candy Crunchers: Ivy, 7 Days sale
Hair: Camo: Sierra Braids fatpack, Crafty WE
Earrings: Beauty Factory: Stay, 99.Sale
Location: Secret Garden by Cica Ghost (Found, again Here)
Windlight: Region