Fashion Dinkies: Claudine blog post with pic, details and links.
Outfit: Tiny Bit Radikal: Dinkie Beaded Belle
Shoes: Miss Ing’s: Dinkie Kitten Heels Glitter Collection (Thanks!)
AO: Tiny Inc.: Dinkies bunnyXpress hud
Body: Tiny Inc.: Dinkies black bunny v1.9 Bento
Hat: Poison Rouge: Claudine, The Fifty, list (Thanks!)
Glasses: Imbue: Butterfly Shades,
Drink: Hangry: Cutie mugs, fox,
Bag: DDL: Iconic, Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Necklace: Ari-Pari: Gold Snowflake, Frost-E Fest 2023, list gift
Pose: Stun: Yui 2 v2
Location: The Famous & Beloved Bay Rum Royale @ The Dickens Project
Windlight: Region