Fashion Dinkies: Blue blog post with pic, details and links.

Top: ColorPOP: Glitch Dinkies Hoodie 5
Pants: Dinkie Boutique: DB Archer Denim Jogpants, true blue (Thanks!)
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Shoes: Sakura: Sleepy Bear Slippers, Neons, Happy Weekend 60-90L$WE
Hat: Horl: Cute Bunny Beret, The Bunny Hop Hunt, 25L$
Hair: Doe: Bunnish, Flux,
Bag: Simplecute: JuiJui, blue, Energy WE
Bag: Luxecode: Glossy Bead Bag, Zocosales
Glasses: Koii: Clockwork, K9 WE
Earrings: Mars: Glass Berry, Lazy Sunday

Pose: MansportMIles 3 bento (and held)
Location: Silent Melody (Found Here)
Windlight: Region

