Fashion Dinkies: Ametrine

Outfit: Ema’s: Dinkie Tina (Thanks!)
Shoes: Dinkie Boutie: DB Dinkies Marlena Platform Espadrilles, red (Thanks!)
Eyes: Honey Dragon at S&H: Startled eyes for DinkieCat, small, yellow (-50% fp), Shop and Hop
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Hair: Beusy: Hypnotic, Anthem, list
Earrings: Schelm: G010 Goldfish Chain, Japonica, list
Held: Naminoke: Rain Umbrella hanabi 9
Necklace: Kunglers at Cosmo: Dalva, Ametrine, FiftyFifty
Glasses: Sacredsquare: Prime, FiftyFifty
Necklace: Sigma at Cosmo: Ribbon, FiftyFifty
Held: Belle Epoque: Pride Fan, Pride at Home, list Free Gift
Held: Belle Epoque: Pride Crown, Pride at Home, list Free Gift
Location: Get The Freight Out! SL21B, SLB Glamorous (Found Here)
Windlight: Region