Fashion Dinkies: Jolly blog post with pic, details and links.

Outfit: Kaosome: AK August Babe 2023, Jane, Time4School (Thanks!)
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Hair: Beusy: Skylla,
Headpiece: Ananas: Reindeer Head, Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Bag: Midna: Jolly, Black and White, Lazy Sunday
Bag: Demicorn: Jolly, their spot at Shop and Hop free gift
Pet: Yokai: Christmas Cow, Snowflakes Sweater Cow 2, The Arcade, list

Pose: Flex: Mali 10, Anthem, list cheapie in gift box
Location: Evergarden Equestrian (Found Here)
Windlight: Region

