Fashion Dinkies: Faro blog post with pic, details and links.

Vest: Twisted Whiskers: Brown Leather Quilted Vest
Pants: Twisted Whiskers: Urban Dinkie Brown Flannel Pants Mesh
Top: Twisted Whiskers: TW Brown Zip Sherpa Top Bom
Shoes: Twisted Whiskers: TW Urban Dinkie White Sole Slipons Brown Perforated Leather
Body: Tiny Inc.: Bengal Dinkie Cat v1.9 rev4
Earrings: VOZ: Venus, CosmolistGroup Gift Free
Choker: Venalia: Luna, Gift MP free
Bag: Ayo: Paw Purse, White, Anthem, list
Earrings: Grasshopper StKing Charles, Engine RoomSL Syndicate, Group Gift, free atm. Last day!
Bag: Portal: Satchel Pouch Brown Leather, Engine RoomSL Syndicate, Group Gift, free atm. Last day!
Held: Web Dew: Map Light, Engine RoomSL Syndicate, Group Gift, free atm. Last day!
Hat: Gabriel: SP3GEngine RoomSL Syndicate, Group Gift, free atm. Last day!
Glasses: Legna: Berry, 7 Days sale
Drink: SugarBun: Strawberry Matcha, The Kawaii Project, list
Pet: SEmotion Libellune: Dalmatian Puppy Companion Exclusive, Kustom9list

Pose: Astalianda at FF: Mist Magic 2, Fantasy Faire (Thank You!)
Location: The Last Stop (Cool pic here)
Windlight: Region


Pieni is the owner of this blog, and a store called Cake Fox. She has also owned galleries in SL. Pieni The Cake Fox has a huge daily cake intake, which she supports with her operation of cake ste.. I mean acquiring involving a network of ninjas.
