Fashion Dinkies: Cupids

Outfit: Kaosome: Dinkie Glamorous, Shabby Chic Pink Velvet (without necklace)
Wings from Kaosome: Restored Antique Dinkie Butterfly Collection, Pink 1
Blush: Dinkie Boutique: Dinkies HD BOM Makeup Blush Set A (Thanks!)
Face Gems: Dinkie Boutique: Dinkies BOM HD Face Jewels, Style C, (Thanks!)
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Hair: Sintiklia: Fien, Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Bag: Bueno: March, Yello, C88, list
Necklace: Schadenfreude: Tied Neck Pansies, unrigged, C88
Earrings: EarthStones: Sweet Hearts, Pink Pearl,
Bouquet: Ariskea: Adora Roses, Rosy,
Pet: Kotte: Love you – pretzels & plushie, Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Location: Soft Melody (Found Here)
Windlight: region

Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Outfit: Designs by Isaura: Dinkies Floral Dress, pink
Blush: Dinkie Boutique: Dinkies HD BOM Makeup Blush Set B (Thanks!)
Face Gems: Dinkie Boutique: Dinkies BOM HD Face Jewels, Style D, rose quartz (Thanks!)
Necklace: Romazin: Kalinas, Fatpack, Energy WE
Earrings: C’est la vie: Odell, Valentine Shop and Hop gift
Wings: Yokai: Birds love song, The Epiphany, list
Toy: Kiu: Valentine bear plushie, So Kawaii Sundays
Pet: Clover: Dragon hatchling, follow, hold, color hud.
Petals: Mewsery: Rose Petals Halo & Filter, So Kawaii Sundays
Pose: Micamee: Diya Bento, 2m, 10L$ MP cheapie
Location: Amainaris: (Found Here)
Windlight: region

Remember, Isaura has fashion for regular avatars, men and female, tinies, RooU, chibi and kids, as well as dinkies. She also sells decor and garden items. Her Marketplace. I added a couple pics of her popular avi mods: the dinkietar and the mer dinkie.