Fashion Dinkies: Cherish blog post with pic, details and links.
Dress: Miss Ing’s: Dinkie Layered Spider Dress Pink
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Headpiece: Tentacio: Play, Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Necklace: Michan: Cherish, Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Hair: Sintiklia: Aba, Browns, Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Collar: Witchwood: Heart Collar Pink, Valentine’s Hunt, 10L$
Glasses: Witchwood: Heart Sunglasses Pink, Valentine’s Hunt, 10L$
Food: Movement: Sweet Kitty Milkshake,
Pose: Serendipity: Kerry 1m, 30L$Sat
Location: Witchwood (Found Here)
Windlight: Region