Fashion Dinkies: Captain blog post with pic, details and links.

Eyes: Charm: Dinkies eyes v.8, Freestyle Fantasy Event, Hunt ends 21st
Outfit: Tiny Inc.: Dinkies Pirate Captain Set Black
Shoes: Tiny Inc.: Dinkies Pirate Boots Black
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Jewellery: Heartsdale: Medici Collection, Designer Showcase (Thanks!)
Glasses: Contraption: Thick Lens II, nose A, FLFBDBlist
Effect: LuluB: Confetti, Ocean Night, FLFBDBlistGroup Gift Free
Drink: Roslyn: Masamigos, FLFBDBlistGroup Gift Free
Hair: Ayashi: Akira
Pet: Semotion Libellune: Fluffy Bunny Companion, Group Gift, free only this week!

Pose: Bottle and telescope
Location: Corsair Cay: Pirate Adventure Island RP (Adult)
Windlight: Region


Pieni is the owner of this blog, and a store called Cake Fox. She has also owned galleries in SL. Pieni The Cake Fox has a huge daily cake intake, which she supports with her operation of cake ste.. I mean acquiring involving a network of ninjas.
