Fashion Dinkies: Amy

Outfit: Dinkie Boutique Shoes: Dinkies Lys Complete Outfit (Thanks!)
Vendor image below, check to see what all is included!
Body: Tiny Inc.: Bengal Dinkie Cat v1.9 rev4
Hair: Ade: Stefanie, browns, Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Earrings: Arnaud Haus: Hearts Dropped, Gold, Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Headpiece: Tentacio: Be free, Tres Chic, list
Jewellery: Footpaw Industries: Delicate Daisy Gold, 35L$ Sunday Sales

Pose: Le Poppycock: Smoky Mysic Pack A, Four Dreams Wanderlust Weekend
Location: Camels and chameleons by Cica Ghost (Found Here)
Windlight: Region

