26thFeb2023: Last minute Mardi Gras ideas

Outfit: Miss Ing’s: Dinkie Mardi Gras Skirt Set (Thanks!)
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Hair: Beusy: Exodia, Sat.sale
Skins for Tiny.Inc Fat Pony: (skin only, you need to own the pony)
Miss Ing’s Fat Pony Add-On Kit Mardi Gras Bling Brown (Thanks!)
Miss Ing’s Fat Pony Add-On Kit Mardi Gras Bling White (Thanks!)
Miss Ing’s Fat Pony Add-On Kit Mardi Gras (Thanks!)
The tiny community participates in a lot of Mardi Gras activities, and I wanted to show you a couple. Remember Sunday 26th, there is the famous Raglan Shire Mardi Gras at 12NoonSLT. I have worked on my float for a while, and can not wait to see, what others have done. Some will ride among floats on their ponies. And there is a lot of room reserved for audiences around the sims. It becomes the best kind of chaos and mayhem with floats crashing and people cheering. My Mardi Gras pics from 2021.
In this pic Francesca Alva is dancing at New Toulouse Mardi Gras.
She is wearing:
Pan’s Orchid “Belle Mardi Gras” Outfit
CABS: Tiny Raccoon avatar
This beautiful picture is by Blissful Enchantment! Thank you so much for letting me use it for the post!
Blissful is wearing: (I figured out as much as I could).
Hair: Doe: Valorie, Flux
Nails: DSO: Dinky Claws-Twisted
Hat: @LC@ DINKIES Mardi Gras
Lashes: *Tiny Inc* Dinkies kitty bento lashes -innocence-
Avatar: Tiny Inc * White Dinkie Cat v1.9
Earrings: Majestic.: Dinkie diamond earrings
Pants: Micachan: Mardi Gras Disco Dinkies Couple
Top: Maggi’s: Dinkie Mardi Gras Dress upper