New MayCreations: Dinkie Flower Bikini, Shorts and Tattoo

New MayCreations: Dinkie Flower Bikini, Shorts and Tattoo blog post with pic, details and links. MayCreations Mainstore Maymay’s Art Island Thanks for Looking!


Outfit: MayCreations: WBG Dinkie flower bikini & shorts & tattoo
Hair: MayCreations: WBG Flower Power Hair black
Shoes: MayCreations: WBG Dinkie leather shoes
Pose: Lyrium: Hills Static Series, 3
Location: Maymay’s Art Island


Pieni is the owner of this blog, and a store called Cake Fox. She has also owned galleries in SL. Pieni The Cake Fox has a huge daily cake intake, which she supports with her operation of cake ste.. I mean acquiring involving a network of ninjas.
