Fashion Dinkies: Xyla blog post with pic, details and links.

Eyes: Honey Dragon at S&H: Startled eyes for DinkieCat, Big, white (-50% fp), Shop and Hop
T-Shirt: Honey Dragon at S&H: Kajiko for Dinkie, Black, Shop and Hop, cheapie
Glasses: Honey Dragon at S&H: Retro round glasses, female, Shop and Hop free gift
Shoes: Nebby’s Naturals at S&H: NN Dinkies Clog Purple Streaks, Shop and Hop free gift
Pants: Asahi Designs: Meowda Jeans Collection, Blue
Body: Tiny Inc.: White Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Hair Clip: Ginko at S&H: Star Clip, Shop and Hop free gift
Choker: Psycho Byts at S&H: Niahm Chain and septum, Shop and Hop free gift
Earrings: Dae: Voltage, MadPea PlayXpo free gift
Earrings: Ukiyo: Nia, Happy Weekend 60-90L$WE
Hair: Beusy: Xyla,
SALE items might be normal price, that was my mistake, had viewer issues!
Bag: Havoc: Tennis Ball Bag Purple, The Arcadelist

Location:  Corsica Tourist Center & Tea Garden (Found Here)
Windlight: Places


Pieni is the owner of this blog, and a store called Cake Fox. She has also owned galleries in SL. Pieni The Cake Fox has a huge daily cake intake, which she supports with her operation of cake ste.. I mean acquiring involving a network of ninjas.
