Fashion Dinkies: Saria blog post with pic, details and links.
Outfit: All Little Folks: Dinkie oxford outfit green plaid (Thanks!)
Makeup: All Little Folks: Dinkie Gold tears (Thanks!)
Shoes: MeawMeaw: MM Dinkies Trainers Light Brown, cheapie
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Jewellery: Heartsdale: Fashionista Collection (Thanks!)
Hair: Lock & Tuft: Saria, FLF
Pet: MishMish: Cute Moths, Access, list (Thanks!)
(Also Mainstore Black Friday 50% sale until 6thDec)
Pose: Hello Gorgeous: Alpaca 1
Location: Arvor La Cote Sauvage (Found Here)
Windlight: Region