Fashion Dinkies: Katrina blog post with pic, details and links.

Pants: Awesome Pawsum: Dinkie Bermuda yellow shorts
Top: Miss Longtail’s: Boho Crocheted Jacket, yellow stripes
Top: Miss Ing’s: Dinkie Gold Shirt BOM, Box O’Bom Shirts (Thanks!)
Eyes: Honey DragonYoru nyanko [23CBE1], yellow
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Bouquet: Ariskea: Katrina Wildflowers 2, FLF
Glasses: Duckie: Enchanted, FLF
Mug: Fetch: Bun mug Rare, Spring Treats Gacha, 7 Days sale
Hat: Isagani: Brooks Beanie, Crafty WE
Bag: Revienne: Aina Vivre, Shoppe Black SL
Shoes: Semller: Worn Canvas Low Tops Dirt Edt., Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Requires editing and resizing
Earrings: Sofia: Nina, Gold, Cosmo, list, Group Gift Free (Upstairs)

Pose: Zeevh: 294, 5
Location: Experience The Ocean (Found Here)
Windlight: Region

