Fashion Dinkies: Debbie and Ava
Outfit: Dinkie Boutique Beach: DB Dinkies Debbie Wootstock Outfit (Thanks!)
(Works as bikini without the skirt)
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Earrings: Heartsdale: Swirl Gold, Arcade Collection July 2023, The Arcade, list (Thanks!)
Hair: Moon: Petal, Exclusive colors and headband (Pride at Home item, 99L$)
I blogged this before as ombre.
Animated by: Nofu’s: Dinkie Acoustc Guitar Special 2,0 (Thanks!)
Location: Petite Village Beach (take a look at the cute festival camp!)
Windlight: Region
Outfit: Dinkie Boutique Beach: Ava Flower Child (Thanks!)
Hair: Bonbon: Halara, FLF
Jewellery: Majesty: Celina Gem Set, 99.Sale
Pet: SEmotion Libellune: Froggy Frog XS Companion COMMON 06, Man Cave, list
Wings: Milota: Lilith, GOAT66 Sale (Try demo)
Pose: Stardust: Summer Breeze Fp, GOAT66 Sale
Location: Petite Village Beach
Windlight: Region