Fashion Dinkies: Alanna blog post with pic, details and links.

Dress: Dinkie Boutique BomBox shop: Dinkies Lara BOM+ Off Shoulder, white, Late Summer Love (Thanks!) Lycia tells us: “BOM+ is a combination of BOM Parts and Mesh add-ons like attachments, belts, sleeves or even a skirtie :)”
Shoes: Dinkie Boutique BomBox shop: Dinkies Lucy Platform Sandals, white, Late Summer Love (Thanks!)
Makeup: Dinkie Boutique: DBD HD BOM Sunblocker: Spot on nose, spots on cheeks
Body: Tiny Inc.: Bengal Dinkie Cat v1.9 rev4
Hair: Doe: Alanna,
Jewellery: Heartsdale: Flora set, Slept on Sales
Bag: Arnaud Haus: Single Stud Purse, white, Happy Weekend 60L$WE
Head Accessory: Clockhaus: Rose Crown, Happy Weekend 60L$WE

Pose: SerendipityAiga 4
Location: Florence (Found Here) Flickr
Windlight: Region

