Fashion Dinkies: Adore blog post with pic, details and links.

Outfit: Sparkie’s: Dinkie Gina Dress Set Midnight Floral
Eyes: Honey Dragon at S&H: Startled eyes for DinkieCat, Big, orange
Hud: Honey DragonFunny Face HUD for Dinkie cat [23IDSC2]
Manicure: Dinkie Boutique: DB Dinkies New BOM Nails Manicure, Leo, Leo cream (Thanks!)
Body: Tiny Inc.: Black Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Drink: Arpels: Ice Coffee 4, Miix MP
Earrings: Beloved: Kitty, Wink Price
Chokers: Beloved: Kitty, Wink Price
Bag: DDL: Adore, Happy Weekend 60-90L$ MP sale

Location: The Magic Hour (Found Here)
Windlight: Region

