8thJuly2022 DJ Brandi at Maymay Pawtee 12Noon-1pmSLT
Maymay Pawtee Every Friday 12Noon-1pmSLT here.
Pics updated after event in this post, refresh after 1pm.
Wishing Frannie get well soon!
Brandi played a song famously sung by tiny singer Songbird. Songbird is in the pictures on this post, wearing a swim outfit and a big black hat.
Here is a video of it: The Mummer’s Dance – Songbird Sorbete (made in SL!)
Get well soon Franners. We gots ebil plottings to do!
Ooh, Bootseh, sounds exciting.
Now we know who da brains behind TAGS plotsing.
So much plotsing! Wait wot we plotsing!?
Thankies for da get betterer wishes
Love you very much! Now you know der billion people wishing you well. If that not cheer up a raccoon, nuffin does!