Fashion Dinkies: Agatha blog post with pic, details and links.
Outfit: Tosca Piccolo at S&H: Dinkie Samhain Cat Ladies Smoke, Shop and Hop Halloween (Thanks!)
Body: Tiny Inc.: White Dinkie Cat v1.9 Bento
Jewellery: Heartsdale: D’ Medici Collection (Thanks!)
Earrings: Poison Rouge: Agatha, FLF-o-Ween, list Free Gift
Bracelet: Arnaud: Vamp Fang, gold, FLF-o-Ween, list Free Gift
Hair: No Match: No Ash, Group Gift, 50L$ atm.
Earrings: Vipera: Sadie, The Party [Extra]Vaganza free gift
Glasses: Bondi: The Majestic, The Party [Extra]Vaganza free gift
Pose: The Beyond Prissy: Group Gift #3, The Party [Extra]Vaganza free gift
Location: Harvest of Souls (Found Here)
Windlight: Region